This course will provide you with an understanding of what is meant by mental
health and mental ill health as well as looking at the legal frameworks that
ensure high quality care can be provided. More specifically, this workbook will
introduce you to the causes and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. For
each of these mental health conditions, you will explore what each of these
conditions may feel like and how they affect the individual as well as how they
affect family and friends. Finally, you will gain an understanding of the ways
in which these conditions can be managed.
Completion within 16 weeks, although early completion is achievable
Benefits of study:
- No need to attend college, work from home at a pace that suits you.
- Achieve a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification.
- Further your personal and professional development.
- Available at no cost.
- Receive support and guidance from a dedicated team of qualified
- Study will enhance your personal and professional