Unit 1: Introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Section 1: Understand the different conditions categorised as SEND
Section 2: Understand different models of disabilities
3: Understand how the rights and support available to those with conditions
categorised as SEND have changed over time
Unit 2: Understand equality and diversity in the context of SEND
Section 1: Understand the concept of equality and diversity
Section 2:
Understand legislation and guidance which supports individuals with Special
Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Section 3: Understand the
importance of safeguarding an individual with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND)
Section 4: Understand the benefits of a diverse and
inclusive society for an individual with SEND
Unit 3: Principles of promoting person centred approach for individuals with
Section 1: Understand person centred approaches
Section 2: Understand the
importance of encouraging active participation.
Section 3: Understand the
importance of an individual’s well-being
Unit 4: Understanding SEND and learning
Section 1: Understand the importance of inclusive learning
Section 2:
Understand the use of support programmes for individuals with Special
Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Section 3: Understand the role of
reasonable adjustments
Section 4: Understand Education, Health and Care (EHC)
Unit 5: Living with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Section 1: Understand the concept of neurodiversity.
Section 2: Understand
the concept of the self
Section 3: Understand the impact of societal and
cultural influences on individuals with conditions categorised as
Section 4: Understand sources of support for individuals with SEND and
the families
Section 5: Understand the impact stigma has on individuals with
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)